Tag Archives: productivity

Be More Productive (in Heels!)

20 Sep

Heels, heels, heels!

Sometimes when I’m falling asleep at night, I daydream about the day when Style Me Thrifty becomes my full-time job. I realize this goal is about as far away as Mars, but it’s still fun to fantasize about!

In the mean time, I get my writing fix as an editorial manager for an awesome non-profit organization. Last week, I had the pleasure of seeing 180 of my marketing colleagues at our global marketing conference in sunny Atlanta, Georgia (sidenote: why is Georgia wine so sweet, ya’ll?).

There was a speaker at the conference that blew our minds with tips on how to be more productive at work. Since I know many of you are hard-working, fashionable women, I thought you might appreciate one particular suggestion for improving one of the biggest time wasters: MEETINGS. Are you ready for this?…

Host standing meetings. As in, Do Not Sit Down.

The Devil Wears Prada

My first thought was: GENIUS.

My second thought was: But I’m wearing heels!

(I’m sorry, it’s so easy for my mind to turn to fashion, even in professional situations).

I absolutely love the idea of holding meetings where no one sits down. Standing up speeds everything up and forces you to quickly talk about the most important issues. And if you’re a women wearing a fabulous pair of heels, I have a feeling that the meeting will be even more likely to zoom by. Who wants to stand still in stilettos for more than 20 minutes!

So I challenge you all to host a standing meeting this week in heels. The higher the heel, the more efficient the meeting! Productivity never looked so good.


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